Friday, March 7, 2008

AADHIKARonline continuing the exclusive Khoodeelaar! campaign reporting of the resignation of Opposition Tower Hamlets Councillor Louise Alexander [4]

The 4th edition of the day of the AADHIKARONLINE London UK was updated at 0140 HRS GMT on Saturday 8 March 2008

Publishing from the EAST END OF LONDON UK in support of the Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Bethnal Green ‘south’ and Stepney London E1 AREA campaign against the CROSSRAIL HOLE plot [the ‘hybrid’ piece of draft legislation, now in the UK legislative ‘HOUSE OF LORDS’ as the ‘CROSSRAIL BILL’]

CLICK HERE for the latest khoodeelaar! No to the “crossrail hole plot [=’the hybrid’ ‘crossrail bill’ in the uk parliament]” campaign action news, updates, announcements and campaign materials, references, dissections and analyses
also to view the latest Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law comments, updates, reviews and the khoodeelaar! No to crossrail hole bill campaign evidential documents and materials. These are being published as part of the formal and actual factual khoodeelaar! Objections presented [on 30 January 2008] to the uk ‘legislative’ ‘HOUSE OF LORDS’ ‘CROSSRAIL BILL’ ‘SELECT COMMITTEE’.

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill CAMPAIGN supporter and Tower Hamlets Council ‘Opposition’ councillor Louise Alexander has resigned!

AADHIKAR online in association with Khoodeelaar! Campaign web sites have been reporting this exclusively for the past 8 hours [starting from 1700 Hrs GMT 7 March 2008].

We here reproduce the original khoodeelaar! reports as published on the internet on 22 February 2006 including the words accompanying the actual formal motion tabled by then councillor [Weavers ward] Louise Alexander for the then scheduled ‘full council’ [Tower Hamlets] meeting of 1 March 2006.

KHOODEELAARONLINE QUOTE no-to-crossrail-hole-motion-as tabled-by- COUNCILLOR LOUISE ALEXANDER Wednesday 22 February 2006
“Tuesday, 21 February 2006 Unequivocal motion on Crossrail to Full Council
This Council confirms that:
It is this Council's duty to protect the community's rights not to suffer damage to the environment, health and business.
This Council categorically rejects:
• Any Crossrail intervention shaft in the Brick Lane London E1 area, as contained in the present Crossrail
Bill in the House of Commons;
• Crossrail plans for an additional tunnel surfacing in Allen Gardens;
• The use of a conveyor belt to take spoil to dump in Mile End Park;
• The unsubstantiated, uneconomic and wasteful provision of a Crossrail station at Whitechapel which will necessitate digging an evacuation shaft in the Brick Lane London E1 area.
This Council resolves to:
• Use the strongest possible terms when this Council presents the arguments and the evidence in support of any previously-submitted formally-timed petition to the Crossrail Select Committee in the House of Commons.
• Members of this present Council undertake to lobby within their political parties and for the active attention of the Government to represent the interests of the residents of this Borough.
This Council undertakes to take action in court and constitutionally to maintain, establish, reinstate and protect the community's right not to suffer the damage to environment, health and business which will be brought about by having an intervention shaft in this area.”

KHOODEELAARONLINE UNQUOTE no-to-crossrail-hole-motion-put-by- COUNCILLOR LOUISE ALEXANDER Wednesday 22 February 2006

KHOODEELAARONLINE QUOTE COUNCILLOR LOUISE ALEXANDER Wednesday 22 February 2006. This is the motion that I will be presenting to the meeting of Full Council on 1st March. It's an unequivocal statement of intent, designed to unite the Council on what has become the hottest topic for the local elections.
I have severe doubts that it will be passed in full. Firstly, officers sometimes restrict which motions are permitted at Full Council. Secondly, the Labour Group have a tradition of tabling amendments to our motions at the last minute, amendments that mute or even change the meaning of the motion. But any amendment or rejection of this motion will tell us a lot about the intentions of the ruling group. I can't see how the Labour Group will be able to accept the clause that mentions Whitechapel. Cllr Keith has been running around Brick Lane area for the last week apparently trying to prove that he is now anti- Crossrail, conveniently ignoring the fact that were it not for diverting the Crossrail line so that there is a station at Whitechapel, there would be no need for a huge shaft in the Brick Lane area. A Crossrail station at Whitechapel has been the prize that our Council has been negotiating, while short-sightedly ignoring the disruption this will cause. The Lib Dem Group have also submitted another motion about informing the public and consulting them on such issues as whether it a station at Whitechapel is indeed worth the disruption. The other motion also raises the spectre of secrecy at the way this Council is run. On the same topic, Cllr Khan will be asking how many times the group of 5 Councillors that constitute the Crossrail working group met, and which of these Councillors were present.
Another of our questions to Cabinet Members asks what's the difference between an intervention shaft, an evacuation shaft and a ventilation shaft and which of these are opposed by the Council's petition to the Government about the Crossrail Bill.
As you may have noted from my previous Crossrail posting here, I was weak on this important detail.
Given that Mayor Doros Ullah barred the Lib Dems' call for an Emergency Meeting of Full Council before 14th February to debate Crossrail, this Crossrail motion on 1st March will be a key debate in what will be the last meeting of Full Council before the Council elections on 4th May.
There will be a demonstration outside the Town Hall beforehand at 6pm. All political parties have been invited to speak.


Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plotter Ken Livingstone's lies and lying

Why the ‘case’ for the London ‘Crossrail hole plot’ is based on a sea of Ken Livingstone's lies and lying-

Khoodeelaar! Opposes the ken Livingstone Crossrail hole plot-backing lies. Khoodeelaar! opposes ALL lies. Full stop. Khoodeelaar! opposes Ken Livingstone’s lies. Khoodeelaar! has been encountering Livingstone’s lying on an almost daily basis. The latest lying by Ken Livingstone comes from the so-called Question and Answer session Livingstone reportedly attended a couple of days ago. It has been reported that Livingstone said at that session that he had not sued the London [standardless] Evening Standard [over their reports on the Lyinsgtill’s entourage including Lee Jasper, as by-lined to Andrew Gilligan] for libel because he, Ken Livingstone and whoever his partner/s might be [he did not name them in his plural ‘we’] “We can't afford to. You have to put up about £100,000 up front with lawyers.”
This is a lie so total that if for no other offence, Ken Livingstone should be sacked for this outrageous insult to whatever remains of the brain- washed 'back-ken-targeted' peoples’ brains after eight long years of lying by Livingstone most of which the ‘people of London’ actually tolerated.
As the holder of the post of ‘undone mayor’ in the name of the people of London, Ken Livingstone has been under a duty in law to not tell lies. But he has been telling lies.
Ken Livingstone has been lying without any care as to what harm his lying would do to those affected by his ‘decisions’. One decision [spread across many smaller bits] is of course his decision to act as a tout for big business and their interest as exhibited in and typified by the city of London [which is the money-grabbing centre of the so-called square mile, as opposed to the universally known word ‘city’ as [say] the Metropolitan city of London. One of the many corrupting contradictions in the uses– and abuses – of the English language .. Just as much as the abuses of democratic and the institutionalised debasing and undermining of the concept and the practice of democracy that daily take place via the city of London]

To be continued.

The Muhammad Haque daily ethical commentary [3rd update of the day] 2140 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 5 March 2008]

This is the age of darkness. The age of ignorance. The era of descent into immorality on a world scale. London public life or rather the conduct of those seeking to speak in the name of the London public are covered in sleaze. Not hidden. Brazen. Visible. But no one is being held to account for it. Not really.

Such is the stench of sleaze DOMINATING the ‘debate’ that the standardless ‘EVENING STANDARD’ has again made the corrupting point [in a newly by-lined piece [Wednesday 5 March 2008] by contributors other than Andrew Gilligan] that in all its ‘reports’ about Ken Livingstone's ‘trust-with-my-life’ ‘aide’ Lee Jasper, it, the ‘EVENING STANDARD’ never alleged any criminality! ‘Only misconduct’… Now, how do they manage to say that without at least metaphorically exploding into invisible bits of worthlessness, stupidity and crassness that they thus render and reduce their 'journalism' to ?
This is why it must be the caser that Ken Livings has 'achieved' the corruption of London public life career and 'institutions' to such an extent that even his alleged accusers are constantly [and or frequently] qualifying their own accusations by denying that they are making those very accusations at all…
This is why there are so many dichotomies emerging. So much technology to communicate. But the message is empty. The peddlers of big sounding projects utter emptiness. So many forums. But there is no legitimacy. So much wealth. But the masses are submerged in deprivation. 'World class' is the phrase that Livingstone has been using to market his image of London [the one confected for the confidence trickster by his dissembling validators the City of London interests and their Big business agenda setters] to promote the stalls of fundamental capitalists. The fundamental capitalists are known these days via their USA incarnation, the Neo Cons. Everything about Ken Livingstone’s callous contradictory conduct and his immoral, blasé persistence in being hell bent to repeat the already exposed misconduct and violations stinks of the neo cons' contempt for ethics and morality. As he showed in South West London last night [Tuesday 4 March 2008] when he said that even though Lee Jasper had resigned he, Livingstone, would reinstate him after the Police inquiry ended… There are so many elements of misconduct in that defiance of morality, that outrage against [universally defined] common decency by Livingstone …

.. The easiest parallel to his contemptuous dismissal of the London assembly members [who at last attempted to question Livingstone on his many acts of misconduct] a few weeks ago is the USA neo Con Richard Perle. Perle it was that enjoyed uncountable platforms, facilities and slots on the BBC. And the BBC at the height of the Neo con adventures against the people of Iraq and the remaining target states in the continent of Asia

[To be continued]

CLICK HERE for the LATEST KHOODEELAAR! No to the “Crossrail hole plot [=’the hybrid’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ in the UK Parliament]” campaign action news, updates, announcements and campaign materials, references, dissections and analyses
Also to view the latest KHOODEELAAR! Constitutional law and evidential documents and materials. These are being published as part of the formal and actual factual KHOODEELAAR! Objections presented [on 30 January 2008] to the UK ‘legislative’ ‘House of Lords’ ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘SELECT COMMITTEE’.